Thursday, March 26, 2009

April Beauty Icon- Wendy Melvoin

Wendy. My very first Beauty Icon was a serious Bad-Ass, actually. And dang, sista's, she had some ridiculously wicked style. I'm talking about Wendy Melvoin of the brilliant Wendy & Lisa & Girl Bros. Back in the day ('80's) when I was 13 years-old, she was my go-to girl for all things Beauty & Style. She's the original fierce, gorgeous like some 1940's era movie goddess. But yeah, people, she will kick your ass. In fact, I loved Wendy's groove so much, I borrowed it for myself, giddy with satisfaction every time someone said, "You look like that chick from Prince." mmmmm-hmmm.

Heavy purple makeup, the long fitted paisley jacket and, but of course, the asymmetrical haircut Wendy made hot during the Purple Reign, I rocked it all. But like all Ultimate Bad-Ass Beauty Icons, my Wendy moved on from the ultra-cool Prince-inspired get-ups and created for herself a personalized self-actualised style that compliments and defines her solid career. Oh yeah, players, this sista's work includes creating luscious grooves with Lisa Coleman, recording with Seal, doing the music for 'Heroes' and having her stellar guitar work on Madge's latest disc. Oh yes, and Gwen Stefani's remix of 'The Real Thing'. And that's not the half of my personal personal style Guru's resume, I could go on for days. Just days...but this is a blog, not a fan site.

Wendy, All Grown Up

She's cropped her hair and goes a little lighter on the eye-liner but she's still a Beauty Icon for me and countless others who embraced her as our first attempt to look relevant, hip, sexy, if you will. In 1984, there was nothing hotter than Prince's Wendy and today, there's nothing hotter than Wendy's Wendy. To me, she's evolved into such a true representation of who she really is. And, of course, her music is what makes her so special to me. I love her so much, she's my Beauty Icon for April, and probably for always.

Wendy & Lisa's latest release, White Flags of Winter Chimneys is available here.

1 comment:

  1. You may like my photos here:
