Friday, February 6, 2009

Revealed! Cyndy Brucatos' Beauty Secret

Twin Cities Iconic TV News Anchor Cyndy Brucato is definitely one of my Style & Beauty Mentors. She maintains her true beauty day in and day out on KSTP as the anchor of the evening news. In a field known for putting beauty over brains, Cyndy’s been able to achieve a stellar career in both broadcasting and politics, while maintaining her personal sense of style. Plus, after 30 years in the public eye, she looks amazing.

I recently asked Cyndy what’s her secret.

"I'll give you secret #1 - I use a skin care product called Nia (it's made by Mentor). It has a high level of niacin which I've learned undoes some of the sun damage my younger and more reckless self incurred. My other "secret" is Kérastase hair care products. They protect my hair from the daily abuse of blow-drying."

Here's what Mentors' website says about the product.
"Repair is never as good as prevention, particularly in skin care. Tap into skin’s own self-protective powers 24 hours a day with patented NIA 24™ – the first inside-out topical Niacin-Powered skin barrier-builder.
Inside, this patented MicroNutrient Delivery system brings a continuous-release form of Niacin to skin. Outside, skin’s barrier is restored and signs of damage dramatically reversed. MicroNutrient Delivery allows ingredients known to be beneficial to go beyond topical application penetrating the epidermis in a slow, continuous-release, allowing time for the molecule to bio-convert to its working form.
Designed like a medical protocol in three courses of action—
pre-damage action, pro-active repair, and an antidote to diagnosed problems—this system works together to prevent, repair and fight signs of damage deep in the skin."
The Nia24 Website includes pics that will astound you and clinical findings which prove the products effectiveness in repairing sun damage. It also includes an exhaustive list doctors who carry Nia24.

Kérastase haircare products consistently receive high marks from Beautypedia and Total Beauty so it's obvious why Cyndy chooses this high-end salon product to protect her tresses from those killer lights. Visit this link to discover which salons carry Kérastase in your hometown. Now Target carries this line as well (Thank GOD! You can put it on your grocery list so your husband has to buy it! After all, it's on the list!) To receive free samples, call them at 1-877-254-9949.

Of course, thanks to Cyndy for 411! You're the best in the business!!!

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